Made with DoodleBuddy |
- Add to the conversation by providing views and and opinions not already expressed OR validate ideas being shared.
- Extend the conversations as people leave links to sites that will guide or lead to further enlightenment.
- Involve the reader and writer in conversations about topics of interest.
- Compliment the writer or the topic. It's nice to give and receive compliments so feel free to leave one on a blog!
Directions for posting:
1) Choose "Comment As" first. If you don't have a Google/Blogger account, you can choose Name/URL and type in your name, then place the web site that best describes you in the URL (i.e. If you do not have a URL you can leave that blank. You can also choose "Anonymous" which will leave the comment but not your name.
2) Feel free to "Preview" your comment to see what it will look like when posted.
3) Select "Post Comment" when you're ready. (Sometimes this might need to be done more than once.)
4) NOTE: Before posting a comment I will copy it, in the event there is a problem, that way I haven't lost my comment and can try to post it again.
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Created with Crayola Digi-Color |
I have also created this VIDEO Screencast which walks you through the process. (There is also a plug at the end to sign up for my blog via email!) Click here: HOW TO CREATE A COMMENT
Good luck and happy commenting! Please feel free to leave a comment on this post to try it out! If you do, please check back as I try to respond to all comments!