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View from the 11th floor of NERD Center |
This breathtaking scenery only added to the excitement of what was about to take place. Waiting patiently, I milled around chatting and waiting for the EdcampBoston 'Unconference' to begin.
An 'Unconference' is basically a group of people getting together and setting their own agenda for the day based on the needs of the people attending. Read to learn more here. An 'Education' Unconference is for passionate educators, by passionate educators and is free (a word we educators love!). It is a day filled with sharing and the exchanging of ideas and resources. There is one rule however, called the "Two Feet" rule. If you are not learning anything new or do not feel the topic applies to you - you may "take your two feet" and leave the discussion at any time - no feelings hurt. It's all about learning.
Building the Schedule |
Some of the days' event topics included: The Blended Classroom-Structure, Function, Goals - How do you do it?; The Birth and Growth of a PLN; EDTech's Continuum of Skills; Bloggers Meet Up; Flipping the Classroom; Edcamp in the Classroom - Students actually attended to share; and much more - really check out the schedule to see some wonderful offerings. It's a full day of learning, conversations and absorbing boat loads of information.
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Paper Tweet given to me by Cybraryman1 |
Another favorite part of the Edcamp was having my other Twitter peeps SKYPE into my "Skype in the Classroom Session". Paula Naugle and Bill Krakower, both fourth grade teachers, helped me present Mystery State Skyping. The guests in the session asked them each yes/no questions (as our students might) to figure out their location. Paula (from LA) and Bill (from NJ) then went on to explain how they use skype in their classrooms. Talk about connecting with some fabulous educators who gave up a piece of their Saturday to help others!
Skype in the Classroom Session |
I think we need to follow this model at Curriculum and Staff meetings. There are many people right in our own buildings and districts who have a lot to offer - wouldn't it be nice to be able to share. If nothing else a SMACKDOWN would be a great way to end a meeting!
Can't wait for my next Edcamp in Connecticut this summer! As Marialice would say: WHOOO HOO!