Fisher School Reunion #2 (Dec. 2014) |
Another year is just about on the books, but it wouldn't have been complete without our "2nd Fisher School Reunion." (Read about the FIRST Fisher School Reunion
here!) Gathering in the auditorium of the
actual school, more than 60 former classmates and teachers joined in an evening of celebration of the 'wonder years'!
The 'wonder years' could be described as the days between 1971 - 1981 when a group of talented, highly-motivated, highly engaging, creative and caring teachers collaborated together which inevitably created long-lasting memories.
Visiting their Grade 6 Classroom |
One of the highlights of the evening included a tour of the building. What a sight it was to see as these long-ago students and teachers found their former classrooms. Many more stories came spilling out as they lingered in the doorways or sat in the small classroom chairs chatting about events like how the walls between classrooms would be opened up so review games like Jeopardy could be played or reenactments of an Aztec Wedding could be witnessed! Each room brought back a flood of memories!
Pam was #1 Foul Shooter in Grade 6! |
Pictures were being snapped as former students meandered into the gymnasium to reminisce. Funny how the once expansive room seemed so tiny to these now adults! Of course the size of the gym didn't take away from the thoughts of those exciting long ago days of floor hockey, dodge ball or mother/daughter basketball games!
Songs from former grade 6 plays were sung by teachers and students alike. The words seemed to be recalled seamlessly and effortlessly as this video well shows! (Great job Steve - was that the original coonskin cap?) It was great fun to learn that all the main leads from the Wizard of Oz (not sure which year) were together in the same auditorium again! A couple of the teachers even sang duets with the now 45-55 year olds!
Of course another of the memorable highlights of the evening included the remembrance of former Principal, Richard Eldridge. These teachers credit his leadership and trust for allowing them teach in unique ways. A video created by his son was shown on the big screen. In it were pictures of the beloved Mr. Eldridge (one wearing his signature holiday socks) as well as stories about the love he had for the school and its students. There were many warm "ahs" as folks recognized the different school photos of Mr. Eldridge spanning his career at the school.
Suzanne Gillam (affectionately known as Miss Hopkins) |
The evening rounded out with an "open mic" opportunity. Humorous stories were recalled by teachers & students. While many spoke seriously to say 'thank you' to their former teachers by sharing a favorite memory. Tearful accounts recalling the encouragement and interest that made an everlasting influence on their lives were shared by more than a few. Even my quiet & shy sister spoke about the impact, rapport and support these teachers had with the parents in our community (including our own)!
One speaker to note was Sheila Monaghan, wife of our former 6th grade teacher, (Tom Monaghan - who started a Facebook page for Fisher students - read about it here). She described the tremendous love that Tom, Suzanne (Hopkins) Gillam and the other teachers had for their students. She mentioned how even during vacations, these teachers would collaborate to create lessons, plays and other opportunities for the upcoming year or how they would
all come together to help a student in need. Sheila said that while "
the students' lives were enriched by the teachers, likewise, these teachers' lives were enriched by all of their students."
There is no doubt that all involved have fond memories and strong bonds. We will forever be linked to those 'wonder years' and these wonderful people who made Fisher School a special place to grow up! Thank you to all those teachers that were able to attend and to those who are remembered in our hearts!
A special thanks to Ron Spicer for organizing this year's reunion & to Tom Monaghan for keeping reuniting so many through our Facebook Page and to all those who attended to make it such an amazing event!