When it comes to reading, what's better than sinking your teeth into a good book? For me, and for many others, it would be
sharing our thoughts and ideas about that good book. Well, it's no different for 10 year olds!
This year I have seen the empowerment of "shared" reading with my students via a "book club." Over the years students in my class have participated in "
Literature Circles" mostly with success. Somehow though, the groups seem to be driven by me (with specific roles for each participant) or by the choices of books that are available in bulk.
A few weeks back a student approached me for a book recommendation during our Media time. I led her to a personal favorite, "
Stone Fox" by John Reynolds Gardiner. When another student overheard, I suggested they read together. A third student overheard the conversation and wanted to join in. Fortunately, I have several copies of that wonderful book.
This idea of reading together sparked the interest of another group of three students. Quickly, scanning my classroom library I tried to find some books that might appeal to them. I came up with several I thought might interest them (of course these books were partly chosen because I had more than one copy.) As we were pouring over the library we came to the book, "
Chasing Lincoln's Killers" by James Swanson. That was it! The boys were beside themselves as they anticipated reading this book together. The problem - I only had one copy. Not to worry, we scoured all the classes in the school. Unfortunately, we came up with only one other. But we couldn't find a third book.
However, the next day the boys came up to me bristling with excitement. One of the boys had gone to the local book store and purchased his OWN copy of the book (with his own money!) so they could read it all together! Amazing!
But here's the really amazing part! The boys collaborated with each other (without my intervention) deciding which how many pages they would read or when they would complete each chapter. They used any free time in class to (voluntarily) read together and discuss what was happening.
And the discussions...just priceless! Each student taking turns, sharing their predictions, their understandings, their questions with one another. They were looking at maps and doing extra research. They were learning new vocabulary and helping each other with unfamiliar words. They were recording important information in a Google Doc.
However, the best part was when they invited me to read along with them! They wanted me to learn about what they were reading. Each time we sat down together, they would catch me up on what they had learned - showing true understanding.
All of this because they shared an interest in the story!
Hoping this wonderful love of 'group reading' will continue. It has inspired other students in the classroom to read together. It's great to see the collaboration and shared interests.
Literature Circle Resources:
Read Write Think:
Lesson Plan: Literature Circles w/ Primary Students Using Self Selected Reading
Education World:
Literature Circles Build Excitement for Books
Book Clubs for Kids
Great Kids:
It's not just for Oprah: Book Clubs for Kids