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Monday, April 16, 2018

The Power of "I CAN"

Over 30 years ago I was a student teacher in 1st grade.  It was frightening to me as I only pictured myself working with 4th grade students not being with 'little kids." I remember my cooperating teacher had me sit with a sign that said, "I CAN DO IT!"  As I recall, those first grade kids COULD do it and I did too!  Afterward I left that class and went on to become a grade 4 teacher.  I became good at figuring out what my fourth graders were and weren't capable of doing.  I often wonder if I held my students back believing they couldn't do something and not giving them the opportunity to try!

Lately, as a Digital Learning Coach I have had the opportunity to spend time with kindergartners and 1st graders. I forgot what it was like to be with 5 & 6 year olds. So, I am always pleasantly surprised and impressed by what they ARE able to 'do' when it comes learning.  Admittedly, I'm not familiar with the 'littles' and their abilities as I have spent the last 27 years with 4th graders.  So, when people share with me that the little ones can't do this or that I have to respect their expertise.
Gr 1 Student sharing his GDrawing

"I thought this lesson was going to be too hard and wasn't sure the kids were going to produce what you wanted."

"First graders can't do that, it's too hard for them to concentrate."

"We usually wait until the end of the year to try something like this." 

What I am familiar with though is the power to prove people wrong! (I would challenge my 4th graders all the time only to receive some excellent results.) So I decided to do the same with the "littles" and their teachers.

Gr 1 Teacher says "we CAN use GSheets!
After purchasing Christine Pinto's "Google Apps for Littles" I was excited to try some ideas with the younger grades. So, I approached a couple of teachers who have the "I CAN" attitude and asked them if they'd help me.  Getting the green light, I worked with some first grade classes.  I started by telling the students: "People don't think you can use Google Drawing to make pictures and add write sentences." "I'm hearing that 1st graders can't use Google Sheets!" The gauntlet had been thrown and the challenge accepted! The teachers and students assured me they were up for the challenge.

Great success!  A sense of pride was seen in the smiles and reactions of students as they shared their projects with classmates.  Teachers proudly displayed student work in the hallway.  Students came up to me and said "We did our own Number of the Day in Google Sheets!"  Great to see how teachers and students alike were able to 'show off' the CAN DO attitude!

Students and teachers who have the "I CAN" attitude and mindset can accomplish tasks never before thought possible.  We can learn from those 'littles' who consistently take on a challenge to show us "THEY CAN DO IT!"

4 Ways to Encourage Growth Mindset in the Classroom - by EdSurge
Power of Yet - Sesame Street Video
Soundtrack for a Growth Mindset - Two Little Birds

What are some ways we can inspire the words, I CAN?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Interactive Lessons Using Technology

Live Session using Pear Deck
     Student 'voice' is a concern for many teachers.  Classes are filled with those students who always participate and have their hand raised.  But these are the same classes filled with students who sit back and let others do the talking for them.  How can we ensure these students are 'active' participants? One way to make sure that "all" students have a voice is to use an "interactive" digital tool such as Pear Deck, Nearpod, Formative & more.  These tools allow students to share their answers at the same time.  
Being actively engaged!
As teachers can see student answers in 'realtime' there are many advantages to using such tools. Talk about formative assessment! Immediate feedback from the teacher can clarify misconceptions on the spot. Conversations can also be extended beyond the topic depending on student activity.   There are drawing and dragging options too. 
 The lessons can be filled with a variety of multi-media which is engaging for pupils. Some tools allow audio, video, images and web content to be embedded right into your existing presentations. 
Nearpod lesson on Deserts!
      I've used various tools with students and their question at the end is always the same, "When can we do this again?"  When our students are engaged and enthusiastic they are sure to learn!  Students WANT to share what they know! 

What are some tools you use to make your lessons interactive?


The Ultimate List - 65 Digital Tools and Apps to Support Formative Assessment Practices -

Monday, January 15, 2018

Teachers Learn Best from Other Teachers

Sheila R. sharing the power of SPLAT!
It's TRUE! Teachers learn best from other teachers.  Perhaps that is why EdCamps are so popular! They are so popular that  our district has dedicated a whole professional development day modeled after the Edcamp style. (Not familiar with Edcamp - read about it HERE.) 

Paula B. sharing Osmos to Kindergarten Teachers
This is the 3rd year our district has participated in a "modified" Edcamp.  Each year the call goes out to all educators in the system to submit a topic to either "lead", "facilitate" or "explore".  This year more and more teachers shared their craft and experiences with colleagues.  We even had some out of district teachers present. (And a keynote presentation by Alan November!)

It's TRUE! Teachers learn best from other teachers!  Why? Because teachers are passionate!  When teachers are passionate about what pedagogy, it's hard not to get excited right alongside them.  

Ed kicking off EdCampWalpole - Family Feud Style!
Several of the teachers from the two buildings where I work decided to go out of their comfort zone and share their passions with the rest of the district.  These teachers believe in what they are doing with their students.  

These are teachers who share their expertise with their elementary students on a daily basis, but who aren't usually in front of their colleagues. However, their passion helped them come forward, take a chance and present new and relevant information. 
Suzanne G. sharing Flexible Seating in the classroom

It's TRUE! Teachers learn best from other teachers!  Why? Because teachers are sharing real world experiences.  The teachers are sharing what has worked in their very own classrooms (or  how they revised what might not have worked).  

Erica, Laurie & Diane sharing Google Sites
Teachers from my schools shared how they are using tools to communicate with parents through the use of Seesaw or through the use of a website built using Google Sites. These are teachers are fairly new to presenting. Other teachers shared ideas for various Math topics and another on Flexible Seating.  So proud of their hard work and efforts!

It's TRUE! Teachers learn best from other teachers!  Why? Because teachers know they can relate to and reach out to a colleague if they have a question.  

Discussing Standards Based Report Cards
   All who presented shared their contact information and offered to come and help participants if ever assistance was needed. Even after the the allotted time was up conversations continued where further information was given.  

Carolyn K. sharing 3 Act Math Tasks
It was a great day had by all! Again, to the teachers that presented...I'm so proud that they took a chance and shared their expertise!  I encourage others to do so as well.  We all have gifts that we can and need to impart with our colleagues and other educators across the globe! (Thank you also to all those behind the scenes organizers who made the day successful too!) 

So, even if you are not going to an Edcamp or some other professional development day, think about communicating your ideas with your colleague next door, down the hall, across town or share via Twitter or Facebook.  We love learning from YOU! 

In the comments section, feel free to share a topic you'd like to learn more about or even a topic you shared at a conference or workshop! Thank you.