This made me think about how this applies in Education as well. How do we approach Digital "Netiquette" with our students and colleagues?
Many of my students have their own email accounts. (Yes, even at the 4th grade level!). I remember when my two teens first started emailing. Back in the day we were choosing names that would NOT identify them as we were all afraid of the big, bad internet. Their names were definitely "cute" and "kidsy" (read to the bottom to find out what they were!). As my children got older, they kept those emails but created more professional ones for business and college (at the behest of their mother).
Even when presenting professional development courses, I try to advise folks to choose Twitter handles that are professional and not just clever. (Sometimes to no avail). As adults, we are THE role models for our students. However, many adults are new to social media, while some still afraid of the information put out in such venues. These folks don't know it, but they are already thinking about being a 'good' digital citizen. Share the resources below with those first starting out - a little knowledge in this are may make them more comfortable.
A lot of our information is already in the internet world. Let's be mindful of the information we are adding to that data by making good choices. Good choices when it comes to name selection as well as content.
*Added after original post: Oops - just noticed my own faux pas as I was sending an email to the local bank: My signature at the end of my email contains links for THIS blog, my Kayaker's blog & my Recipe Blog - how IS that for UNPROFESSIONAL....up there with SueME!!!! Time to take my own advice
Some resources for newbies, kids and adults alike:
Digital Netiquette: Prezi by @mrsdkrebs Outlines the Do's and Don'ts
Digital Citizenship Wiki - Great information ranging from communication to access.
Digital Citizenship:Using Technology Appropriately: Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
Internet Safety Project: How to Create a Safe Username
7 Terrible Secrets Revealed by Your Email Address (& How You Can Fix Them)
Digital Citizenship Resources Compiled: by Cybraryman
As promised - usernames for my kiddos (didn't say I'd make it easy):
child 1: a tailed amphibian with soft, moist skin (starts with an "S")
child 2: another name for a teeter totter
What is the silliest email/username you've come across?... at AnswerGarden.ch.