What percent of people achieve the goals they set for themselves at New Year's? This post suggests it is only 8%. So it's not too surprising to realize I've often been a part of the 92% who don't seem to succeed when it comes to New Year's Resolutions. (More interesting statistics HERE.)
The Forbes article suggests that people have trouble following through because the goals people set are often many and vague. Therefore, setting smaller goals which are tangible lead to seeing one's goals to fruition.
In my new role as the Digital Learning Coach, I need to be thinking about the types of goals I am setting for myself and my colleagues. Positively impacting student learning needs to be at the forefront of all my objectives.
The article above also suggest that stating goals publicly also increases the likelihood of succeeding. So, here are my goals:
- Write a blog post at least once a month reflecting on what's working in my role as DLC and what might not be working.
- Student Impact: ability to reflect on lessons & make changes that will affect student learning
- Ask at least 2 questions when working with teachers (using these 15 questions as a guide from TeachThought - they can still apply even though they are meant for students)
- Student Impact: These questions will focus around student learning.
- Create & teach at least 2 new Digital Citizenship lessons
- Student Impact:
- Find at least 2 "coaching" blogs to read & follow
- Student Impact: learning new ways to help teachers connect technology to content will aid students in their learning.

What goals will you set for yourself (or have set for yourself already)? Please share one of your goals with me (as making them public increases the likelihood of succeeding!)
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!