I had no idea such a thing exsisted! The map which measures 26' by 35' was brought to my attention by a parent last year. It was rented for two weeks through the generous donation from our Parent Advisory Council. All the classes in our school were able to visit the map at least twice during the two week rental period.

Every day the students asked if we were going to visit the 'giant' map. They not only loved the size of it, but they loved exploring the different features. Each time, someone learned something new! It makes me think that we need to be incorporating more activities like this in our classrooms.
National Geographic Traveling Map: 6 Different Giant Floor Maps for Students to Explore
National Geographic: Exploring Maps and Models of the Earth
Teaching with Maps: NEA site that has students learning about Longitude & Latitude; Reading a topographic map & more
Google Earth Lessons & Ideas
Map Skills and Higher Order Thinking
Maps are fascinating on many different levels. Some folks may argue that 'reading a map' is not longer relevant due to technological advances and GPS systems. Others say that reading maps lead to 'global learning'. Witnessing the allure and attraction of these enormous maps makes me realize that students LOVE learning about places using visuals. If you get the chance - you should rent one!
In what ways do you incorporate MAPS in your teaching? How are maps applicable to our everyday life?
Nancy what a wonderful experience for you and your students. How lucky your students are to have had this as a learning tool.
DeleteIt really was quite amazing. I heard from all the teachers that their students LOVED it! There was something on that map for everyone!
Learning the Cardinal Directions (the Compass) is something everyone should learn and it will help in their everyday life. Especially travelling across the country in a car, plane, train or bus.
ReplyDeleteGreat teaching Nancy
Thanks Dad - We take for granted how we use those Cardinal Directions daily!! Next on the agenda is teaching the kids how to USE a compass. That ought to be interesting!
DeleteLove you Dad.
How much fun it that! I wouldn't mind talking my shoes off and visiting a few places myself!
DeleteThat's EXACTLY what the kids were doing! "I'm here in Florida!" "I'm in Alaska!" It was great to see how excited they were about being in different places in North America!
Way cool! I happen to agree that knowing how to read a map is an important skill to learn, as well as studying geography. It helps broaden ones understanding of the world we live in.
DeleteWe followed up with a science lesson about "Why does North always point up on a Map". It was a great eye opener for the kids. The lesson begins by asking them to visualize a map of their room, then a map of their house in the neighborhood, then a map of their state, then a map of the US then a map of the world! It certainly gets one to realize how big the world is in comparison to where we live!
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Your blog has a wealth of information. Thank you for creating such an inspiring way to teach students about map reading. Maybe if I would have had you as a teacher I wouldn't be such a directionally challenged adult.thankyou,lorrie